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Normal Business Hours 7:30AM - 6PM Monday through Friday (excluding holidays listed)

Contract Rates: 

Full Time  Six months to 1 Years: $1400.00 a month

Full Time  13 months to 5 Years: $1200.00 a month

Part Time (Under 20 hours a week) Six months to 1 Years: $1000 a month

Part Time (Under 20 hours a week) 13 Months to 5 years: $900 a month

   Be aware you are paying for a time slot based on your hourly need, not just hours


Drop-in Hourly rates: (when available)

Six months to 1 year: 15: an hour
13 Months to 5 Years: $10 an hour

We are closed on the following holidays:
New Years Eve/New Years Day

Presidents Day

Memorial Day

4th of July

Labor Day

Thanksgiving and Friday after Thanksgiving

Christmas Eve day/Christmas Day

Two weeks in December 

Two weeks over summer break to be announced in may of that year

If a holiday falls on a Saturday we will be closed the Friday before, if it falls on a Sunday we will be closed on the Monday after.

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